Opening Hours (aut)

Paola Pharmacy in Vada is open:
Monday to Friday
from 8.30am to 1pm from 3.30pm to 7.30pm
Saturday from 8.30am to 12.30pm closed

see here the pharmacy on duty

Order your products with WhatsApp at 333 9316356

We invite you to use this very useful tool to ask for the availability of the medicines or products you need.
We will reply to you with a confirmation message. This is easier than a phone call!


1. Take a photo of the product you are interested in
2. Send us a photo of the product or, in the case of prescription medicines, a photo of the Electronic Prescription sent to you by your doctor.
3. The pharmacy orders and prepares your request
4. The pharmacy sends you confirmation of the availability of the ordered products
5. Drop by the pharmacy to pick them up. IT IS ALSO POSSIBLE TO ORDER MEDICINALS WITH RECEIPTS

ordina con whatsapp farmaciapaola vada tutto

D.ssa Vittoria Paola's Farmacia Paola is located in the centre of Vada and it is possible to park in its vicinity.
Vada's Farmacia Paola is open:
Monday to Friday
from 8.30am to 1pm from 3.30pm to 7.30pm
Saturday from 8.30am to 12.30pm closed

see here the pharmacy on duty